What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy. It is a damaged caused to the optic nerve due to increase in intraocular pressure or deficit blood supply. The chronic variety of this disease is like a slow poison. People seldom notice the symptoms until considerable nerve damage has occurred. Once damage has occurred, it cannot be reversed. Optic nerve damage causes loss of visual acuity as also field of vision. Health the important aspect is the early diagnosis and prevention of progression of the disease.
What causes Glaucoma & How does if affect the eyes?
In a normal eye there is a continuous circulation of fluid cal aqueous humor, which is secreted by structure call ciliary body positioned behind the colored portion of eye known as iris. This fluid passes through the central opening, pupil and into the spaces called anterior chamber. This fluid then drains into the structure called trabecular meshwork and into the veins. Aqueous humor is responsible for the nourishment of vital structures as also its pressure helps in maintaining the shape of the eye. This pressure is called Intra ocular pressure (IOP). This pressure can rise either when the secretion of aqueous increases as a inflammation when the drainage gets blocked. Increased IOP puts pressure on the optic nerve and creates a cup on a surface. This can also block the small vessels in the nerve leading to ischemia and resultant nerve damage. Alternately if the blood vessel to the optic nerve is compromised, there can be optic nerve damage even if the IOP is normal.
Glaucoma Generally is of Four varieties:
- A)Congenital Glaucoma: this action call buphthalmos occurs in newborn children and is characterized by abnormally large and cloudy Eyes and it has to be treated surgically.
- B) Chronic Glaucoma:this is the most common variety. Optic nerve damage can occur if the IOP is higher than what the eye can tolerate. The normal range is about 14 to 20 mm Hg. However this is relative and various individually
- C) Acute Glaucoma:this constitutes medical emergency. The patient develops is sudden blurring of vision with severe pain around the eye and main also associated with vomiting. Permanent damage can occur in a matter of few days.
D) Secondary Glaucoma: this occurs as a side effect of some other diseases like bleeding, inflammation, tumor, hyper mature cataract etc
What are the symptoms of Glaucoma?
Generally symptoms are noticed in conditions of acute angle closure glaucoma. The patient gets severe pain around the eye associated with headache vomiting and occasional dehydration. There is a blurring of vision. The eye becomes congested and the patient complains of saying colored halos around the light.
In a chronic type, symptoms like tense feeling and recurrent pain around Eyes, frequent changes in refraction (change of glasses prescription especially for near vision) and rainbow colored haloes around light if seen should alert you to seek a medication opinion. Subsequently, the patient notices constriction of visual fields when considerable damage has occurred.
Who are at risk? Who should undergo screening test?
Glaucoma can be present at work or may develop latter as Juvenile or developmental glaucoma. However all adults over the age of 35 years, with the presence of any of the following risk factors should get a screening test done for glaucoma
Risk factors:
- Family history
- Diabetics/Hypertension
- Long term corticosteroid use.
- Injury to the eye.
- Elevated IOP
- Myopia
- Thyroid disorders
* If you are over 35 and say yes to any of the above, you have to get screening test for glaucoma.

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